Thursday, May 17, 2012

Art Appraisal

Many mistakenly think that an art appraisal is the same thing as art authentication. The art of art appraisal is being able to determine overall value of an artwork after careful scrutiny and analysis.
An art appraisal is a professional opinion that documents the quality and value of a work of art. It is quite necessary for a person with a significant art investment to have a professional appraise the works of art for their value.

Art appraisals are important when you own significant artworks. This is also a way to protect art investments. At the same time, art appraisals should be done regularly because the value of art changes often therefore, updates must be made recurrently.
David Hart Galleries offer art valuation and appraisal service on all original artwork by David Hart and his father Pro Hart. There are several reasons as to why artworks need to be appraised. One of the reasons why David Hart Galleries provide art valuation and appraisal is for the client to know the current value of artwork. Also, this is to ensure that the artworks are authentic and that they are not over charged.